Hi there! I know it's been a while and I promise I didn't just up and vanish. We have been busy here at GLC not only with business to do's but with the daily tasks that starting a homestead bring. It's Spring so we have been working hard to get the garden tilled and the veggies planted, we are working on the workshop remodel (more info coming soon), and planning the chicken coop build! Busy...Busy...Busy.
But we did get into the kitchen and make some new Spring Soaps and Candles!
But today we are going to talk photography...
For anyone trying to sell they're wares; photography is one of the most important things in your small business arsenal. In this day of Internet shopping, Instagram, Facebook, and twitter...a good photograph can speak a thousand words...or followers. And we love followers!
I have this beautiful wood platform that my handy father built for me to initially serve as a soap display. It didn't work on the table as a display so I re-purposed it into a photography prop. It took good pictures with the natural wood look, but I wondered if I could make it even better.
I took some ebony stain and applied it with a rag and immediately wiped it right off so the light wood grain would show through.
A simple project that took me literally five minuets to complete gave me a total transformation on my prop. Now both the light and the dark colored soap stand out with this new background, and it's much more dramatic.
The dark wood stands out and looks incredibly rustic. I LOVE how this project turned out and can't wait to take more pictures on it.
I also played with using some botanicals as props to add interest and depth. I don't usually add extras to my product photography. I tend to be a minimalist..and frankly a little plain. I have totally been missing out! This soap was created to be a little plain, but by using botanicals I can add some interest and portray that this soap smells like Rosemary. Bonus that it adds that rustic look to my photography that I LOVE. I will definitely be experimenting with more props in my photography.
Now I am cheap (I'm sorry frugal), so I won't be heading out tomorrow to the local craft store to buy a bunch of props for upcoming photo sessions. I will wait and see what I can pick from my garden. I think the mint would be pretty fresh, and of course I have lots of dried botanicals I use every day for soapmaking. I will keep my eye out for shells or pretty rocks at the beach, and look for stuff the next time I go junkin.
Do you use props in your product photography?
I'm sure I will find lots of Photography Inspiration on Pinterest!
Happy Soaping!

Stay tuned for more....I can't wait to show you all the workshop we have been working so hard on! It's been a wildly fun re-purposed ride! That's right...most of the workshop is being remodeled with re-purposed materials! I was going to wait until it was finished to do a series of blog posts...but I may give you all a sneaky peak!!!
But we did get into the kitchen and make some new Spring Soaps and Candles!
But today we are going to talk photography...
For anyone trying to sell they're wares; photography is one of the most important things in your small business arsenal. In this day of Internet shopping, Instagram, Facebook, and twitter...a good photograph can speak a thousand words...or followers. And we love followers!
I have this beautiful wood platform that my handy father built for me to initially serve as a soap display. It didn't work on the table as a display so I re-purposed it into a photography prop. It took good pictures with the natural wood look, but I wondered if I could make it even better.
I took some ebony stain and applied it with a rag and immediately wiped it right off so the light wood grain would show through.
The dark wood stands out and looks incredibly rustic. I LOVE how this project turned out and can't wait to take more pictures on it.
I also played with using some botanicals as props to add interest and depth. I don't usually add extras to my product photography. I tend to be a minimalist..and frankly a little plain. I have totally been missing out! This soap was created to be a little plain, but by using botanicals I can add some interest and portray that this soap smells like Rosemary. Bonus that it adds that rustic look to my photography that I LOVE. I will definitely be experimenting with more props in my photography.
Now I am cheap (I'm sorry frugal), so I won't be heading out tomorrow to the local craft store to buy a bunch of props for upcoming photo sessions. I will wait and see what I can pick from my garden. I think the mint would be pretty fresh, and of course I have lots of dried botanicals I use every day for soapmaking. I will keep my eye out for shells or pretty rocks at the beach, and look for stuff the next time I go junkin.
Do you use props in your product photography?
I'm sure I will find lots of Photography Inspiration on Pinterest!
Happy Soaping!
Stay tuned for more....I can't wait to show you all the workshop we have been working so hard on! It's been a wildly fun re-purposed ride! That's right...most of the workshop is being remodeled with re-purposed materials! I was going to wait until it was finished to do a series of blog posts...but I may give you all a sneaky peak!!!